Cerebral Palsy Association of Newfoundland and Labrador

Literature and Media
On this page we've linked some lists of literature and media that have strong, diverse disability representation. We hope you find something new and exciting here!
Do you know of some books, movies, or TV shows that deal with disability representation well? Send us a message!
Children's Fiction
This 2020 list from the Toronto Public Library showcases children’s books that have positive disability representation.
Nonfiction for Adults
Check out this list of disability nonfiction for adults from Easter Seals.
And this list from Jessica Moxham.
Young Adult Fiction
Check out this 2019 list of 20 Young Adult fiction novels with disability representation. The author of the list notes that the list has a wide array of representation, and that the characters in these books don’t tend toward the helpless/inspirational dichotomy of problematic traditional representation of people with disabilities in fiction.
Check out this Easter Seals list of movies that feature and portray a variety of disabilities in an authentic manner (though not without their shortcomings, as the list’s author notes).
Also, check out this list from Alex Squire, which includes some foreign films as well as English ones, and “My Left Foot,” a film about Christy Brown, an author with cerebral palsy.