Cerebral Palsy Association of Newfoundland and Labrador

Become a CPANL member today!
Why become a member?
First and foremost, being on our membership list lets us know that you are a part of our Newfoundland and Labrador CP community! This helps us to know who we are supporting and to gauge potential interest in events, among other things.
What are the benefits?
While there are no material benefits, becoming a member will put you on our email list, so you will be among the first to know when we have a major update or schedule an event or fundraiser. But don't worry! We don't go overboard or send any spam mail.
Is there any cost?
Nope! As of 2019, becoming a CPANL member is totally free of charge. If you want to make a donation anyway, take a look at our 'Donate' page - it's easy!
How do I become a member?
Simply download the PDF form below and either:
1. Print it, fill it out and sign it by hand, scan it, and email it back to info@cerebralpalsynl.com OR mail it to our mailing address provided at the bottom of the page.
or 2. Fill it out and sign it electronically using a software (such as Adobe Acrobat) and email it to info@cerebralpalsynl.com.
Download the form here: